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With the exception of 'Slaying the Dreamer' which is surprisingly riff heavy, most of the times the guitars follow the whole 'chug along with chord root notes', in effect, playing simple retarded bass lines up an octave.

  • Some critics, among them , suggest that Carmilla, notably in its outlandish use of narrative frames, was an important influence on ' 1898.

  • Now I'll admit, I was not a big fan of them when I first heard some of their songs, but Century Child won me over.


Several villages were usually united into a much larger unit called a tribe, which could range in size from a few hundred to several thousand individuals.

  • The future Earth of the series is a with a reputation for violence.

  • However, he's the only remaining human in Hell — it is assumed the rest have redeemed themselves and have moved on.

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