Albedo birthday - ‘Genshin Impact’ characters: ages, heights, birthdays, and bios

Birthday albedo Albedo Story


Birthday albedo Genshin Impact

Birthday albedo Birthday Of

Birthday albedo Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Albedo (Genshin Impact)

Birthday albedo Happy birthday,

Albedo Story and Profile

Birthday albedo Albedo

Birthday albedo When is

When is Albedo’s birthday in Genshin Impact? Date, Gifts, and Check More Details

Birthday albedo Albedo Story

Birthday albedo Birthday/Albedo

Genshin Impact: All the Characters’ Height, Age, and Birthday

Birthday albedo Albedo Birthday


Since he possesses such an amount of positive energy, every single spirit flees in terror before he can even look at them, a very particular trait that he has had since his birth.

  • Same, sometimes i think of switching to the english voice, because i love it how good khoi acts but then im thinking about xiaos english voice and im Like: nah.

  • There are currently 47 playable characters in Genshin Impact, with all versions of the Traveler counting as 1.

Genshin Impact All Characters Age, Height, Birthday

! The game is also gearing up to launch on the Nintendo Switch soon, which should further boost the playerbase.

  • The alchemy Albedo uses is linked to the Art of Khemia, one of the technologies from Khaenri'ah.

  • Mainly, he treats birthdays like every other day.