Kodak ultramax 400 - Adrian Bacon Photography: Kodak UltraMax 400

400 kodak ultramax Adrian Bacon

400 kodak ultramax Kodak Ultramax

400 kodak ultramax Kodak UltraMax

Kodak Ultramax 400 Film Profile

400 kodak ultramax Kodak Ultramax

400 kodak ultramax Kodak Ultramax

400 kodak ultramax Ultramax 400

400 kodak ultramax Ultramax 400

Ultramax 400 Film Reviews & Photos

400 kodak ultramax 35mm film

Kodak Ultramax 400 : AnalogCommunity

400 kodak ultramax Ultramax 400

400 kodak ultramax 35mm film

Comparing Kiro 400, Kodak UltraMax 400 and, Lomography 400 Side

I usually over expose, known good color film by 1 stop.

  • This film is a fantastic emulsion to learn on, and incredibly rewarding to shoot if treated with care.

  • Nevertheless, I will recommend this film to shooters looking for an affordable, reliable all-around film, provided the color rendition agrees with your personal photographic vision.

Kodak UltraMax 400 vs Fuji Superia 400

I shoot all my color C-41 film with a tad of overexposure.

  • I've never done any night photography with it but that sounds really interesting.

  • This is a film that excels under controlled lighting, or with a slower, more careful style of shooting.

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